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If you are interested in walking, why not try one of our sister sites:
Conceived by Alfred Wainwright, the Coast to Coast Walk passes through some of Englands finest scenery. Starting at St Bees, passing through the Lake District, Yorkshire Dales and North York Moors National Parks before finishing at Robin Hood�s Bay - no wonder it is Englands most popular long distance footpath.
The Dales Way starts in Wharfedale, thought by many to be the most picturesque of the Yorkshire Dales. You'll then climb out onto the roof of England, crossing the great Pennine watershed with impressive views of the Three Peaks. Then you head for Lakeland!
Starting at the historic market town of Helmsley the 110 mile walk skirts the upland ridge on the edge of the North York Moors National Park before reaching the coast to end at Filey. It is often described as two walks in one: The first of beautiful heather moorland and the second of outstanding coastland.
The Trail that started it all! Here is a 270-mile walk that will take you from the Peak District National Park along the Pennine ridge through the Yorkshire Dales, up into Northumberland, across the Cheviots, setting you down in the Scottish Borders.
The trail follows the dyke built by Offa, King of Mercia (757-796 AD) and formed the boundary between England & Wales, running 182 miles from Sedbury, near Chepstow in the south to Prestatyn in the North.
St Cuthbert's Way is a 62-mile walk through attractive and highly varied countryside between the Scottish Borders town of Melrose and Lindisfarne (Holy Island) off the coast of Northumberland.
James Herriot, a Scot who fell in love with North Yorkshire and worked here all his life, wrote best-selling books describing his adventures as a vet in the Dales and on the Moors. Wensleydale and Swaledale are the heart of Herriot country. They happen also to be two wonderfully beautiful Yorkshire Dales. This 4-day walk combines strolling in the valley bottoms with some energetic work on the skylines.

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